Monday, June 24, 2013

A Belated Father's Day Tribute

This video was inspired by its soundtrack. It will surprise some of you. Enjoy and cherish.



  1. Truly wonderful video and music. So, so good to hear his voice again. Makes you miss him even more, doesn't it? Thank you for the memories, again. Mimi

    1. I used to moan when DAD would sit down at the piano with his "Hungarian music" with all the trills and arpeggios. How beautiful they sound now. Why are we such ignorant brats as children. I see how Dad's love for music - all kinds - has seeped inside of me. With all my silly childish moaning, I was absorbing it all like a sponge.

    2. Loved the video, especially the music and Dad's voice. Thanks for the memories.....

  2. Thank you!!! That was so beautiful and emotional. What wonderful tribute to our Dad. Loved the video. Jeanie

  3. Wish I had a recording of Dad playing his 2 favorites or maybe 3 favorites Hungarian Rhapsody, Alfie and Golden Earrings OR playing guitar Malequenia (sp)

  4. WOW! It was amazing to hear Grandpa play the piano and his voice! Thank you for this precious gift. I will listen often. Love you, AM

    1. Thanks, AM - it is something to hear and see. Wish I had a recoding of Grandma singing "the Party's Over" or anything for that matter.
