George Zimmerman was instructed by the police to not pursue Trayvon Martin. He ignored their advice. If he - Zimmerman - felt threatened as he claims sighting the Stand Your Ground law - would it not have been smart to go home and let the police deal with Zimmerman's claims regarding Trayvon. Even if this child was up to no good which I believe he was NOT - but for argument's sake - if Trayvon was not doing the right thing - did it warrant being shot to death by an unqualified self appointed predator. George Zimmerman is nothing but a vigilante. He killed - no - murdered a child. It is that simple. He pursued a kid in the night with intent to neutralize a situation he created in his sick Charles Bronson head. Trayvon Martin didn't need to die as a result of one man's paranoia and misplaced civic duty. Travesty AND Tragedy.
Only The Name Changes

Cory Montieth died as so many young and not so young stars do - drugs and alcohol. How many times have we heard this story? I am sorry for his family and friends and, of course, his many fans. I don't know too much about Mr. Montieth. I do not watch 'Glee". Perhaps I've seen two or three episodes. I did not like what I saw. Actually, I had a strong reaction to this show. I HATED IT. But, I digress. Living as long as I have, celebrity deaths attributed to drugs and drink have become a cliché'. Does it ever stop? Is this part and parcel of fame for some? The list is long. From Billie Holiday, Judy Garland, Janis Joplin, Elvis, Chris Farley, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, John Belushi, Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston and Marilyn Monroe to name just a few. It may sound cold hearted, but it sickens me that these people - these fortunate, golden people - didn't respect their gift. They achieved a privileged life. Their talent was appreciated. They received awards, praise and adoration. That wasn't drug enough? I feel sad as a knee jerk reaction to news like this BUT that dissolves into anger. How can they throw their lives away? Its a sin. Its arrogance and conceit. I'll save my sorrow for the victims of recent plane crashes and hurricanes - for victims of drive by shootings and babies shot by wayward bullets - for ordinary people dealing and dying from diseases they don't deserve - for targets of racism and homophobia that result in murder - for too many women living with the memory of a brutal rape or beating - for young soldiers taking a bullet for the old men who send them to die. I have a great capacity for sorrow and empathy. I will not waste it beyond a day mourning the end of a shooting star.

Mendacity and Such
When did it become a prerequisite for actors, singers, athletes and other entertainers - show biz types - to add annoying to their special "talents"? I'm talking about Alec Baldwin, Paula Deen, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Guy Fieri, Bill O'Rielly and everyone on Fox News especially that BLONDE TALKING HEAD. I am ridiculously reduced to outright hatred toward these people. You can't avoid them even if you try.
I do not watch Fox News. It should be called Fox Opinion. IT IS NOT NEWS! Anyway, back to my point regarding avoidance. I go to the gym six days a week. Invariably, Fox news will be on one of the large flat screens hovering above as I tread the mill for an hour. So, I am sometimes drawn to the screen showing Fox. Here's where I unavoidably check in with the extreme right. Fox drips with inaccuracies, blatant lies, slanted reportage and hate mongering. It is the most obvious display of one sidedness you will ever see. As Big Daddy says to Brick in "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" - What's that smell? I smell a powerful odor of mendacity! Do you smell it? Do you smell it, too?"
Yes, Big daddy I smell it too!
My advice to:
Paula Deen - Shut up and disappear. Stop "apologizing" You IS what you IS. Except that and GO AWAY!
Alec Baldwin - Shut up and disappear. You are not God. You are an aging matinee idol who once could act but now just blusters with conceit and contempt for all the "little people". You have become a whore. By the way, Alec, what's in your wallet?
Justin Bieber - Shut up and disappear. You are as cute as a raw chicken wing. You sing like Minnie Mouse. You have the intelligence of a snail and your mother dresses you funny. I hope you are saving your money. You just may become the next Vanilla Ice.
Miley Cyrus - Shut up and disappear! Take your father with you.
Guy Fieri - Shut up and disappear. You are the most annoying television personality since Richard Simmons. And your mother dresses you funny.
Bill O'Reilly - Shut up and disappear. You are by far the worst presence ever outdoing even Rush. The radio protects us from Rush's sneer. Television enhances yours. What is truly reprehensible is that you actually don't even mean half of what you say. You are interested in being hateful. This is your act. It is what makes you strive for infamy. Well, congratulations. You have met your goal. Now, how will this make you feel at 75 when you review your life. Or will you learn to court denial. Either way, you will join the ranks of Walter Winchell and his ilk when future critics compose their lists. But most people will utter, "Bill who?"
And that's a good thing.