Wednesday, July 17, 2013




George Zimmerman was instructed by the police to not pursue Trayvon Martin. He ignored their advice. If he - Zimmerman - felt threatened as he claims sighting the Stand Your Ground law -  would it  not have been smart to go home and let the police deal with Zimmerman's claims regarding Trayvon. Even if this child was up to no good which I believe he was NOT - but for argument's sake - if Trayvon was not doing the right thing - did it warrant being shot to death by an unqualified self appointed predator. George Zimmerman is nothing but a vigilante. He killed -  no -  murdered a child. It is that simple. He pursued a kid in the night with intent to neutralize a situation he created in his sick Charles Bronson head. Trayvon Martin didn't need to die as a result of one man's paranoia and misplaced civic duty. Travesty AND Tragedy.

Only The Name Changes


Cory Montieth died as so many young and not so young stars do - drugs and alcohol. How many times have we heard this story? I am sorry for his family and friends and, of course, his many fans. I don't know too much about Mr. Montieth. I do not watch 'Glee". Perhaps I've seen two or three episodes. I did not like what I saw. Actually, I had a strong reaction to this show. I HATED IT. But, I digress. Living as long as I have, celebrity deaths attributed to drugs and drink have become a cliché'. Does it ever stop? Is this part and parcel of fame for some? The list is long. From Billie Holiday, Judy Garland, Janis Joplin, Elvis, Chris Farley, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, John Belushi, Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston and Marilyn Monroe to name just a few. It may sound cold hearted, but it sickens me that these people - these fortunate, golden people - didn't respect their gift. They achieved a  privileged life. Their talent was appreciated. They received awards, praise and adoration. That wasn't drug enough? I feel sad as a knee jerk reaction to news like this BUT that dissolves into anger. How can they throw their lives away? Its a sin. Its arrogance and conceit. I'll save my sorrow for the victims of recent plane crashes and hurricanes - for victims of drive by shootings and babies shot by wayward bullets - for ordinary people dealing and dying from diseases they don't deserve - for targets of racism and homophobia that result in murder - for too many women living with the memory of a brutal rape or beating - for young soldiers taking a bullet for the old men who send them to die. I have a great capacity for sorrow and empathy. I will not waste it beyond a day mourning the end of a shooting star.  

Mendacity and Such
When did it become a prerequisite for actors, singers, athletes and other entertainers - show biz types - to add annoying to their special "talents"? I'm talking about Alec Baldwin, Paula Deen, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Guy Fieri, Bill O'Rielly and everyone on Fox News especially that BLONDE TALKING HEAD. I am ridiculously reduced to outright hatred toward these people. You can't avoid them even if you try.
I do not watch Fox News. It should be called Fox Opinion. IT IS NOT NEWS! Anyway, back to my point regarding avoidance. I go to the gym six days a week. Invariably, Fox news will be on one of the large flat screens hovering above as I tread the mill for an hour. So, I am sometimes drawn to the screen showing Fox. Here's where I unavoidably check in with the extreme right. Fox drips with inaccuracies, blatant lies, slanted reportage and hate mongering. It is the most obvious display of one sidedness you will ever see. As Big Daddy says to Brick in "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" - What's that smell? I smell a powerful odor of mendacity! Do you smell it? Do you smell it, too?"
Yes, Big daddy I smell it too! 
My advice to:
Paula Deen - Shut up and disappear. Stop "apologizing" You IS what you IS. Except that and GO AWAY!
Alec Baldwin - Shut up and disappear. You are not God. You are an aging matinee idol who once could act but now just blusters with conceit and contempt for all the "little people". You have become a whore. By the way, Alec, what's in your wallet?
Justin Bieber - Shut up and disappear. You are as cute as a raw chicken wing. You sing like Minnie Mouse. You have the intelligence of a snail and your mother dresses you funny. I hope you are saving your money.  You just may become the next Vanilla Ice.
Miley Cyrus - Shut up and disappear! Take your father with you.
Guy Fieri - Shut up and disappear. You are the most annoying television personality since Richard Simmons. And your mother dresses you funny.
Bill O'Reilly - Shut up and disappear. You are by far the worst presence ever outdoing even Rush. The radio protects us from Rush's sneer. Television enhances yours. What is truly reprehensible is that you actually don't even mean half of what you say. You are interested in being hateful. This is your act. It is what makes you strive for infamy. Well, congratulations. You have met your goal. Now, how will this make you feel at 75 when you review your life. Or will you learn to court denial. Either way, you will join the ranks of Walter Winchell and his ilk when future critics compose their lists. But most people will utter, "Bill who?"
And that's a good thing.


  1. I agree about Trayvon Martin. A young boy was killed because of a man that wanted to take the law in his own hands instead of letting the police it's job. It's a shame when famous celebrities are dying because of drugs. What a waste of life and talent. I don't watch the Fox news but I agree a what you say about certain celebrities. Great article!!! Jeanie

  2. My comment, far too verbose, accidentally disappeared. But, excellent article (excepting the pity I feel for younger celebs. Too much $, fame, & yes-men created the monsters. They would likely be regular people otherwise).
    Anyhow, I always love your writing. I am giving you a link to my latest blog entry re: peace, cos I'm on the PeacePath! Love u Tony - Amber Xo

    1. Thanks, A. Btw, why don't we share links on our blogs in hopefully sharing readers. I'll add your link to my page.

    2. Oh, ok! Good idea, that! Thanks, T!

  3. Your comments on the Zimmerman case is a distortion of truth. I guess it would have been alright for Zimmerman to have let Trayvon pummel him to death. Based upon the evidence presented, the jury found that Zimmerman was in fact being pummelled and that legally justified him to shoot Trayvon Martin. Respect the jury verdict and move on. Zimmerman was overzealous in his pursuit, no question, and the jury verdict did not justify him doing that. But once he confronted Trayvon, and Trayvon reacted the way he did - by pummelling Zimmerman, what happened before was irrelevant to the case. It was a tragedy certainly, but not a travesty of justice. This case is being used disgracefully by liberal politicians and abhorent people like Al Sharpton (can anyone say Tawana Brawley - you all should look that case up) to win votes. For shame!

  4. I too disagree about Zimmerman/Martin. I'm too tired to go over the trial which I was addicted to. However Zimmerman was already out of his truck looking for Martin, who stood in shadows watching the "crazy ass cracka" instead of going to his dad's house (90 ft away), when the 911 operator told him to return to his truck which he was doing. He did not see Martin until he came out of the shadows. Now I admit that @ that point Zimmerman should have said he was neighborhood watch & would Martin please wait for the cops who were on their way. But no the worst case scenario occurred & we know how that ended. Hind sight is always 20/20. By the way, why does everyone call Martin a "child"? Mentally yes but physically no way. He was 6'2" & not the innocent looking child of 12 which was the picture we were always shone by the prosecutors. Also, what is a white-Hispanic? I feel for the teenager who died so young but mostly for his parents. I also feel bad for Zimmerman & his family. They will never again have a normal life due to death threats from those who just didn't like the verdict. I could go on but I won't, it's too complicated a case.
    As far as your other rants...right on point.

    1. "Anonymous" -it's a good idea to stay that way. You are ignorant beyond words.

    2. I removed that racist, misogynistic rant that was posted after 4am by whoever?? Debate even heated is fine but not ugly hatred - not on my blog. Whoever you are since you did not have the balls to identify yourself - smart choice, btw - whoever you are let me state YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Don't waste your negative energy as I will continue to delete your comments.

  5. Zimmerman is an overzealous cop wanna-be... He completely caused this tragedy and got away with it due to the frayed veil that most Americans like to live behind. Go on folks and have another drink and tell yourself that racism and prejudice does not exist in our country. Don't forget to mention how you have "black and gay friends" to show your diversty

    1. So I'm guessing you're one of those who didn't like the verdict. I do believe that racism & prejudice does exist in this country, I do have black & gay friends because I like them & not to show my "diversity" (check yr spelling) & for your information I don't drink in order to "hide".

    2. When you feel the need to explain yourself to others you have made my point for me. My comment was not aimed at you but you seem to have taken it to heart, again point proven. Oh and by the way you missed a few vowels in the word "your"

    3. I've given you enough of my time except to say love the old pic of James Spader.

  6. When and why has anyone chosen to defend someone who has killed another human? Regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other damn reason. WOW...I cannot believe the support given to murder. Self defense, really, try to hang on to that rope until it breaks, a pretty thin thread. We have become a society filled with hate and justifying violence no matter what. As an educator, I do my best to teach kids not to hate, not to hurt, and most of all just to have compassion for others. Adults who support murder in any form make my job and anyone else in the "village" so difficult to raise a generation who can return to love. God bless and help you all.....REAL SOON!!!

    1. Sorry, Mary, but I disagree. I hate the fact that someone had to die, but the law, after thousands of years, recognizes that in certain narrow situations, a person is justified in taking a life if in reasonable fear of his own. This was not a "stand your ground" case but a traditional self-defense case. This is what the jury found after hearing the evidence and deliberating for 16 hours (we all forget the OJ jury deliberated for 2). What angers everyone, apparently, is not the law, but that Zimmerman is seen as "causing" the altercation by following Martin and approaching him. It was at that point when Trayvon (as found by the jury) started beating on Zimmerman. I still do not see what racism has to do with this case. If it had been a white kid in a hoodie, is there any proof that Zimmerman would not have followed him. Certain people only want to believe that racism is prevalent when the facts speak otherwise in this country. Do we not have a black President? That is not to say that racism does not exist, but I don't think, unless more information comes to light, that it was involved in this case. Plus, has everyone lost sight of the fact that Zimmerman is Hispanic?

  7. BTW, I agree with you Gene Fini, when someone has to find something like "check your spelling" as a defense response, you have definitely hit a nerve. Usually when one is writing with passion, misspelling is often a key element. I do it all the hel.

  8. I am glad that you all have chosen to debate this hot button issue. Since I started it, I need to scold some of you. I think name calling and making assumptions from people's comments is no way to debate unless you are on the McLaughlin Report. I have no issue with disagreement. But do not assume that just because someone disagrees with you that they are racists or liberals or drinkers. Tale disagreement with grace and debate the issue like intelligent adults. No one is racists here or they wouldn't be my friend. Btw, you can call me liberal all you want 'cause that is what I am and I'm proud of it. Just don't use it as an attack. That's name calling. I welcome other points of view minus the malice. That is how we all grow and learn. So keep the debate going but be nice, okay.

    1. Great posts on your blog!

    2. Thanks, Vinny. Its great that people have strong feelings regarding this tragedy whatever side one takes. I disagree with you and Cathy BUT I must say you both make good points AND your opinions seem to be based on knowing this case well. Cathy seems to have followed the case closely - more closely than I - and she has a right to her conclusions. I am surprised she was attacked. Agreeing with the verdict does not make anyone a racists. Many, like yourself, feel that racism is not an issue in this case. I feel differently but understand this point of view. Check my blog later. I intend to give my take on why some discount the racism theory and why I am now rethinking my stance or at least questioning it.

    3. Look forward to it.

  9. Banter is good, but righteous speeches are not intellectual nor entertaining. I do agree, Anthony, but sometimes we can get a bit defensive on our passions. I still disagree with you Vinny, as I don't find anyway possible that murder is morally or legally "okay." It's not an "eye for an eye" or a "stand your ground" or "self defense," that validates it. It's what we humans say to ourselves so we can sleep at night and/or face ourselves in the mirror. I can never see the point of killing to be right, it's self-serving. Think about it this way, we can justify almost any killing by giving it a reason. It's as simple as that. It truly is not a legal matter, more a moral one. If you can live with yourself after killing another human, than I guess all the troops who may suffer from PTSD are just using a mental illness to survive.

    1. Great post. But what if someone was killing other people and you had a gun (I don't have one, and never have and never will). Wouldn't it be justifiable for someone who did have a gun to shoot the person killing other people? That's a form of the "justification" defense that was used by Zimmerman, although his claim, which the jury bought, was that he used deadly force to prevent himself from being killed.

    2. I don't know for sure. I cannot make a judgement on position I've never experienced, nor hope not to have. My first reaction though would not to be to shoot to kill though. I'm too much of a lover and peacemaker to be able to live with myself, taking another life. I tell you what though, if someone touched my grandchildren, I could become evil. I just truly believe Zimmerman had a choice, and he made the wrong one. I respect yours and everyone's opinion, yet there comes a time when we have to stand together and say enough killing. If we cannot we have not evolved all that much compassionately from the age of cave people. They might as well be clubs.

    3. I understand. I was just expressing, or trying to, what the law is as to self-defense.

    4. We come from two entirely different professions where our point of views are going to be differ. My job is to try and change yours!!! : D
