Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanks from a Grateful Elder


This snow storm here in WNY is not a joke. Today its danger compounds. Snow  - hard cold snow is piled so high. Half of my large garage is covered. I cannot see the house across the street. The snow is up to my windows now and it keeps coming down. Power outages are being reported in nearby towns. Eight deaths are attributed to this disaster. Because that is what it is - a disaster. My town has made the national news. It has been constantly on the major networks and the weather channel. It is clear so many of us are in danger. 

Especially seniors.

I consider myself pretty fit for my age and very resourceful. But the fact is, as you age, there are limits to what you can do physically. This storm has presented many challenges. I have met them emotionally and spiritually. I am unable to respond physically, however. 

It's an age thing. All I can do is wait out this frightful episode.

This is why calls and texts and messages from friends and family mean so much and make me feel like I will be okay. They understand my situation. Glenn and I are lucky to have one another. To enjoy as best we can this internment. But we, being social animals and doers, if you will, are anxious to rejoin the human race. 

I cannot believe the people in my life who couldn't take the time for a quick phone call, email, text, Facebook posting or tweet. It is terrible how self absorption and lack of empathy pervades so many. Well, I accept your careless natures. You are what you are. I will always remember that.

I will also always remember those sweet people who love me enough to check in. 

Thank you nephews Michael and Adam. Thank you niece Anne Marie. Thank you dear friends Don Paul,Cathy Hechler, Jane Eve and Ken Ruisi.. Thank you cousins Nancy and Donna.  Thank you Aunt Grace & Rose. Thanks cousins Diane and Maryanne in San Francisco AND sister-in-law Colleen and brother-in-law Colin. And a special thanks to a great neighbor and friend, Jean Feldman.

You all understand that at whatever age , humans need to feel they matter. I am grateful. Michael, Adam, Anne Marie, Don, Cathy, Jane Eve, Ken, Nancy, Donna, Grace, Rose, Diane, Maryanne, Colleen and Colin & Jean - you all matter to me -  especially because I matter to you. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


The Synod on the Family convened by Pope Francis is a gathering of bishops to discuss in frank dialogue the church's role on divorce, marriage, remarriage and gays. A Synod is rare - done only 2 other times by a Pope. Pope Francis presents a beacon of hope by just making this happen. With hope comes despair. Many responses to the Synod by mean spirited people is alarming and just plan sad. If you believe in prayer, take the time to do so. Another good man, Fr. James Martin urges prayer and explains why below. Please read his compelling meditation by a good Catholic.. Thank You - tony 

Evening meditation:

Over the last few days, we've all prayed a great deal for the Synod on the Family, and there have been many postings on the question of the church's pastoral response to divorced and remarried Catholics. But yesterday's New York Times op-ed, the number of vicious responses it engendered on this page, and the moving testimony of Ron and Mavis Pirola at the Synod today, make me ...
think that perhaps it would be good to pray specifically for LGBT people tonight. For, as the Pirolas said, they are part of our family too.

Today I received dozens of messages from LGBT Catholics expressing their pain, after having read some of the comments on this page. It's not surprising that they feel so much pain. I'm sad to say that too many Catholics, in almost every corner of our church, from chanceries to sacristies to homes, still harbor hatred and fear of gays and lesbians. It's not only scandalous but sinful.

But there are other reasons for their pain. Some people may not know that over 20 percent of hate crimes are violence against people based on their sexual orientation (the vast majority being LGBT people). Or that LGBT youth are in this country four times more likely to commit suicide. Worldwide, in five countries and in parts of two others, homosexuality is still punishable with the death penalty, while a further 70 countries imprison citizens because of their sexual orientation.

Today's Gospel, in which Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan, may also speak to us about LGBT persons. For the parable is not only about being compassionate to someone in need, but how the carrier of grace is often the one who has been rejected, despised and marginalized.

So tonight, perhaps we could pray for our LGBT brothers and sisters. Let us pray for an end to violence against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, as well as an end to the kind of language, especially within our church, that may lead to hatred for, rejection of, or violence against gays. And let us work so that every gay person feels as welcome as everyone else does in the church into which they were called at their baptism--by God.

Our friend Fr. William Hart McNichols has graciously allowed me to share with you his icon "The Passion of Matthew Shepherd," which depicts the murdered young man before the fence post to which he was tied and beaten to death in 1998. May it lead you to prayer. 

                             Matthew Shepherd murdered IN AMERICA because he was gay.
Icon "The Passion of Matthew Shepherd," which depicts the murdered young man before the fence post to which he was tied and beaten to death in 1998. May it lead you to prayer.

Thursday, October 2, 2014



I honor all paths to the spiritual. When religions argue "We are the way - the only way" it is shameful! They act like exclusive clubs. "Join us. We are better. We know the truth"

God is present in all religions. 

The truth - the only truth is BE GOOD. It's that simple. Rituals, prayers, mantras  mean nothing if you are not good.

Being good is a subjective thing with all the different religions and cults telling their followers what being good is. "Do what we say and you will go to heaven. Believe only us. We are the only way. If not, then you are damned." This usually entails condemnation, punishment, ostracism. Now, who's being good?



The path you chose need not be through a religion or cult. In fact, you are better off forging your own path. Learning and living the truth through creativity is my path. I allow myself to exist in a world of diversity - to block out those who use God to punish, to validate their hatred. I wage a personal war against those bible thumpers who interpret its pages to define their prejudices - who extract the beauty and poetry from the bible turning it into a manifesto of bias, intolerance and fear.

The world - life - is a work in progress. ALWAYS always moving forward - lessons learned and applied. This is how the wise live. We are extensions of everything that has gone before us. It is our duty and privilege to participate in moving society forward - to iron out the wrinkles - to strive for goodness - not a subjective judgemental goodness. No, strive for the objective good. It's not difficult to know the objective good. Breath, listen and it becomes all too apparent. 

Unfortunately, many of the world's religions lag far behind. They use the bible written in ancient times reflecting those times, to domineer their followers.








They all say the same thing.




Love one another


Dear Readers, Friends, Brothers and Sisters, Men, Women and Children,

Hear what I say. Love one another. That's it. All the rest is talk.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Proper Strangers


It's like falling out of love. 

It's sad. 

It's rather like a fine piece of broken china that is impossible to mend or a beautiful clock that has ceased running for good. It's beautiful to look at so you don't throw it away but its value has diminished considerably. Eventually, you will throw it away. 

A close relationship ends after years. A close family member becomes estranged. Trust has been broken. Words were spoken -  actions taken. 

Silences begin. Weeks go by. Years go by. 

How do you fix it and reunite?

How do you unring a bell?

A return to a once close relationship is never as it was. A starchy civility sets in. You watch  every word and action. You are careful. Too careful.

It's not what it was. What it was was honest, messy and real. Trust was what allowed you to NOT be careful. 

Honesty without malice - that's a true relationship.

That all goes. And it will never return.

Civility is for strangers NOT friends - NOT family.

What happens in reconciliation?  

You now have a familiar, cordial ever so proper stranger in your life...........back in your life.  

You trade pleasantries. A few attempts are made at rekindling what once was but it is half hearted. 

You stop caring in that deep way - that way that haunted you when you were estranged. Now, it's all about smooth sailing - no ripples, no waves just a nice pleasant cruise. Don't go out too far. Stay close to shore. Life rafts won't be necessary. It will be a safe journey - no bumps, no leaks. And that's good. Right? 

"Hi, how are you?"

"Fine - and you?



"Uh huh - good."


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

San Francisco September 2014

I left my heart in San Francisco - really, I did!! 


Friday, June 6, 2014


Today was an A+ day.


  • I dropped a few pounds - cutting major carbs does work.  

  •  Got my lawn service bill and it was amazingly low for all they do. 

  • Glenn cooked a delicious dinner - hoisin eggplant with a side of mapu tofu.

  • We watched a Blu-Ray "Wolverine" - wonderful!

  • We did not receive one telemarketing call today - hooray!

  • I had a great work out at the gym. This one guy that has decided we are buddies and always ALWAYS comes over to me when I am deep in my treadmill trance - headphones snugly on - beautiful music flowing into my head - anyway, he always ALWAYS spots me and begins talking ignoring the fact that I have my headphones on and can't hear a damn thing he is saying. So, of course, I am forced to remove my headphones to listen to his empty blather resulting in my lovely trance being broken while I pretend I care what he is talking about. TODAY HE JUST WAVED HI and I waved back and all was right with my world as Morgana King whispered "Corcovado" in my ear.....ah.........

  • After a very busy year and a half, I have time for reading. I began a compelling book gifted to me by my "reader" niece, Anne Marie. It's called "Perfume" - I am hooked.

  •  I saw a huge array of birds at the feeders especially my favorites - cardinals and orioles.
  • Just discovered that Sirius radio has a station devoted purely to Neil Diamond who I have come to appreciate in his old age - and mine.

  • Nothing bothered me today - no nagging paranoia or needy yearnings.

  • Today was smooth sailing.

  • Odds are tomorrow will be shit..........................


Friday, May 23, 2014

The Sign


It hurts like physical pain. Missing someone you will never see again is a hard road to travel.

It comes and goes.

It goes away for days and months.

It returns at the oddest times.

Never appropriate.

I'll be brushing my teeth and it's there. Not a bang or boom. Yet, not quiet. More like an ache - a yearning - an "Oh God, please" moment. A flash of the possibility that it didn't happen. They are around -  not gone. I want so desperately to get on the phone for a chat. Drive over - drop in. I feel this is possible. I know it's not.

I then ponder the afterlife. I beseech the spirits. Give me a sign. Knock the shampoo off the shelf to prove  - to prove what? Knock the shampoo off the shelf to say hello - to give me hope - to inspire me to figure this whole thing out. If you love me, you'll do it.


The shampoo remains stubbornly on the shelf. You don't love me.


This extreme yearning exhausts me. So, I give it up. The longing subsides. Sanity rules. I'm back to my senses. It's mostly forgotten - for now. The yearning becomes a dull low-grade pang. That, too, will subside. I won't feel this way for a long time. And that's a blessing of sorts.

It's necessary.

It's survival.

It's what I need to live a sane centered life.

These episodes are like visits - like holy hauntings.

Perhaps they are the sign. Not the shampoo bottle.

The yearning, the missing - that's the "hello, I'm here - see you later"      


“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the over wrought heart and bids it break.”
William Shakespeare

Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's In The Eyes


When I was a kid and even a twenty , thirty and forty something, I believed that old people didn't aspire to anything - that old people didn't dream - weren't interested in any further accomplishments in life - that the world belonged to me and all the other young citizens of the universe.

After fifty, if you haven't gotten what you wanted out of life, there was no sense in still wanting it. There was little sense in wanting to hope and strive for something else other than what you ended up doing for most of your life.

I was sure these thoughts and hopes never even entered an older person's mind anyway.

I was also positive that whatever an older person had to offer it couldn't possibly be worth much.

Hopes, dreams, new adventures, careers and romance were only for the young. 

Older folk had it and didn't need it anymore. Older folk didn't fantasize - weren't inspired. Older folk were just occupying the space they carved out for themselves and that was that.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

To my surprise, I still dream about what I want to be when I grow up. I still strive to achieve. I am still completely interested in how I can contribute to the human community.

Believe me - listen to me very carefully - IT NEVER STOPS!

In my mind, I am not an age - a number. I am a person who is always thinking about what I can do to scratch that itch - that urge to accomplish - that willingness to take a chance - that love of a challenge. I still enjoy making new friends, eating new cuisines, sampling the latest in artful things - music, movies, theater, paintings and sculpture - architecture - BOOKS .

I'm still interested in work - working. To my utter surprise, I work all the time whether it be volunteer or for pay.

I know I'm not alone. Anyone over fifty will tell you, age is just a number.

I am surprised when I think about this. Who would have thought that getting older does not change who you are and what you want out of life. You remain forever the same person who played with dolls and toy trucks - who watched Mickey Mouse and read picture books - who believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Only the toys change as you age. Now it's iPods and ipads, kindles and Bluetooth - cocktails and Miller Lite, cars and sex - no more playing house.

I am still who I always was and that surprises me. Of course I have grown and acquired skills, knowledge, culture, opinions - yet, astonishingly, I am still little Anthony - a laugher, an avid observer, annoyingly curious, deeply loyal to those I love, easily hurt even by those I don't love, insecure around beautiful people, thrilled to be in spitting distance of the very talented, forever needing assurance - validation, eager to love and be loved - loved by everybody.                                

Yes, all these traits that are mistakenly attributed only to the young remain forever with me - us - all of us - I am certain.

We don't get old. We just get older. Our features age. Our hair turns grey. Our stamina falters. We pop cholesterol pills and monitor our blood pressure. But who are we? What have we become? We haven't become anything except older. We are still who we ever were.


I am still who I ever was. In my minds eye, I am young hopeful Anthony. I wake up always with a purpose or in search of a purpose. When I catch my image in the bathroom mirror each morning, I expect to see this young hopeful Anthony. Of course, what I see is some old stranger looking back. 

But wait - the eyes - the eyes looking back at me - it's in the eyes - there he is - young hopeful Anthony ready to take on the new day and grateful for it.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Talking To Myself



I am strong as railroad nails. I come on strong because I chose to - because I want people to know at all times where I stand.

That is one facet of me. Here's another:

I have feelings. I want to be appreciated for the good things I do. I want recognition for my hard work. I break just like anyone else when those feelings are trampled - especially by the ones I care for - the ones who I was so certain cared for me - cared enough to know I have feelings.


Dialogue With Myself

It is shocking when you see a side of a loved one that is so unattractive. A demeanor that emerges from them with so little effort - a total aura unmistakable in its pure selfishness. You see this happening before your eyes and you are helpless. You have nothing to say. You, the one who always has an opinion. You who sees what others don't. You who has just been thrown for a loop. You who  realizes that you are not deeply loved by this trader - this recognizable unrecognizable person. Who is he? He sits there not caring how you feel - sitting there shrouded in self love forgetting who you are - what you mean to him.

Who was he?
He was sweet and real and funny and made me feel like I was essential to his life.

What is he now?
He is selfish, hurtful, forgetful of our shared history, cruel - not nice.

How does this make you feel?
Disappointed, surprised, used and unloved.

Will you get over this?

Of course - remember I'm strong as railroad nails.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Celebrate The Choices

Oh, to know then what I know now!


I just celebrated a birthday - mine. Well, celebrated is not the right word. This is not to say I didn't enjoy my birthday. I did - very much. What I find hard to celebrate, however, is getting older.  What's to celebrate? You lose your attractiveness. Your abilities diminish. You are closer to your grave.

Readers of this blog are familiar with my obsession with death and the hereafter. This obsession visits me daily. Today it moved in. I am its landlord. I should evict it but this obsession has become sort of comforting. It gives me hope. As long as I grapple with it, the possibilities that occur seem plausible.

Back to getting older - is there a plus side - yes. Speaking purely for myself, I can say aging has made me more tolerant. It has given me wisdom. I know that's a cliché but, trust me, it is true. And this wisdom makes me weep with regret. If only - if only. The distance of age has given me hindsight and clarity, "Oh. that's what I should have done. It is so damn clear - now. Well, baby, it is too late."

Back to the dark side.

 I went through a period of deep regret but emerged into my present state - one of acceptance and forgiveness - forgiveness toward my self for my bad choices. After all, I have a good life and these choices - good or bad - have made me the person I am now. I know, another popular cliché but also true.


So, should I celebrate my choices? I do like who I am. My time is my own. My love is my love.

Except I wish I were younger and know what I know now..................Oh, the possibilities............


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

That Damn Light


Attending wakes, memorials and funerals are becoming a common activity. I haven't gotten complacent  as yet but I see complacency around the bend. There was a time when I wouldn't 't go to funerals out of squeamishness. I was very young and very dramatic. Now I realize that was selfish of me. Showing up at wakes and funerals is an act of kindness toward the surviving loved ones. I now know from experience as a surviving loved one that the more that attend the merrier. Well, not merrier exactly but it is a certain kind of happiness to see big numbers at the funeral of your parent, spouse or sibling AND it is comforting. We need to hear "At least he didn't suffer" and "She looks good - they did a good job" and "Well, he is at peace - no more pain" and "She's looking down at us and smiling"

Clichés' abound and so what. It is all meant well and the grief is shared in all varying degrees from "what a shame - tsk tsk" to "Oh my God!" - wails and whimpers - all necessary all inevitable.

It is unavoidable these frequent events. As we age death lurks everywhere. Our contemporaries and those senior to us become the "at risk" community. I think it outrageously unfair how life works. As we gain wisdom and a true appreciation for this gift of life our time for such appreciation diminishes. We don't quite see that light we are supposed to walk toward but we do see our mortality - not as comforting as that light we are always hearing about.  

But what can be done about this gross unfairness - this illogical last phase of life?


So, some of us go to the gym religiously. We diet - eat healthy - lots of broccoli and blueberries - multi-vitamins - positive thinking - anything to delay seeing that damn light.

Some of us pray.

Some get religion. Now the rotten bastards want to play saint. They drop their sense of humor and proclaim they are born again. Everyone is a sinner and they are pure. After all, don't they attend church every Sunday. Don't they pity the poor. Don't they now know Jesus. Don't they condemn all who are not like them. "Isn't that dress cut too low"  "He drinks, you know." "She's such a slut." He's a homo."  Surely they will be welcomed into eternal grace - so they think.

Yes. as we get old some of us panic as our friends and family leave us. Is it just a matter of time for us? Are all these wakes and funerals paving the way - our way toward that light we keep hearing about?

Many say "Just don't think about it."


Well. I don't think about it until somewhere in my week  - week after week - I am confronted with another loss. Whether it be a personal loss or that other loss - celebrities, actors etc. that we grew up with - loving their songs, movies, books - this is a reminder that our world - our particular generation and all its bells and whistles is winding down to a memory - a footnote for the present up and comers.

I don't like it.

But there's nothing I can do about............

I just won't think about it.

Uh huh.......right!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014



Ami Melamed goes his own way. He knows what he likes and we like what he knows. Okay, I'm being cute. bite(in lower case), a soup, salad and sandwich restaurant on 14th St. in Manhattan is seriously cute. Mr. Melamed, also cute, has created a very hip joint. So hip that if you are not hip, by the time you leave bite you will have joined the ranks of the NYC hip.

His sandwiches, soups and salads are made from organic ingredients. It is all gourmet delicious. You will discover one of a kind sandwich creations. I especially like  - no - love - the Sabih made with humus, eggplant, hard boiled egg, salad greens and a spicy dressing on a bread of your choice. I like the ciabatta. The salads are full meals. I adore the goat cheese salad. It is heaven!

While you are in heaven you will be transported to cloud 9 with Ami's divine chili. Spicy & thick, it is served in a bowl with a mound of white rice in the center and sour cream hanging to the side. Whenever I travel to NYC, my first stop is chili at bite. I dream about this chili.


There are plenty more choices on the menu including homemade cookies and brownies - so good. The thing is, bite is original. There is nothing like it in all of New York City.

And there's nothing like Ami Melamed in all of new York City.


Let's talk a little bit about Ami Melamed. Here is an extremely amiable man who undoubtedly enjoys his restaurant and its customers. It is not unusual to see him chatting with diners as if they were old friends. And they are. Anyone who frequents bite will get to know this terrific guy and gain the status of "old friend". . I once remarked about the beautiful music playing in his restaurant. Ami disappeared returning with two Cd's -he gifted me with copies of his current play list for the place. His friendliness is sincere not solicitous. Bottom line - I like this guy.

Now, I have to relate a most important and compelling fact. bite is unbelievably inexpensive. Gourmet quality food is served up for under ten dollars! Oh yes and satisfyingly so. This fact may be the reason bite attracts the large student population nearby and artists of all disciplines. The attractive and colorful clientele make bite all the more appealing.

Good food, people and prices and the lively location make bite one of my favorite destinations while in New York City. Go to bite's website to peruse the menu and learn more about Ami Melamed. You will certainly be intrigued.

bite website


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why Oh Why?

Why is everything a controversy these days? Why Oh Why?

Fun loving Joe Namath wears a fur coat at the Super Bowl coin toss AND tweets litter the web.

Staying with the Super Bowl - Coke debuts a beautiful commercial about diversity to the tune of "America The Beautiful" and the boors of America are up in arms - no doubt literally in some cases - because to make the melting pot message the lyrics are in many languages including English - boors take note.

Cheerios did a cute TV ad about a bi-racial family - oh boy, out come the bigots, again AND we are off and running with another controversy.

DUCK DYNASTY, THE BACHELOR, THE GOLDEN GLOBES, Alec Baldwin, Jerrod Leto, Hillary, Obama, Beiber and on and on........

Aren't we suppose to be the land of the free - speech, expression etc.?

Some of these "controversies" deserve attention BUT haven't we lost our sense of humor, our sense of perspective? Sometimes we should just look the other way. The offense will die a natural death and less importance will be given to the idiots of the world. Let the offenders dig their own grave. They do not always need our help.


We know they don't really mean it. They are just eager to salvage their reputations and keep their current lucrative gigs.

Are we all so thin skinned that any little stupid utterance by over paid narcissists threaten our delicate sensibilities?                                                        

We need to relax. The oafs of the world will reveal themselves and will either go away or hang around in a cloud of disgrace or irrelevance.

Of course, it is easy to feel outrage in today's world. As fairness takes a stronghold as it always will, the opposing forces are naturally called to arms. Freedom for all is not everyone's ideal. Somehow this opposition feels threatened by other people's happiness. They hide behind religion, patriotism and politics to make their case. It is a coward's tactic but this strategy convinces the weaker ones in our society. So, we fight on and on and on.................
This is the world we live in. This is the world we have made. We have an over active media and a huge and still growing social media where tweets and posts have replaced thoughtful letters and essays. There is no turning back. We must stop romanticizing the past with hopes of returning to it. The past wasn't all that great. We will move forward and deal with what we have and what is yet to come. And, you know what? We will get what we deserve - most definitely. Let us hope what we  deserve is the very best.

But then, I believe in karma. The future is anyone's guess.