Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shame On Dr. Oz

Today Dr. Oz devoted his show to a debate on aversion therapy - gay to straight. I had to check my calender. What year is this? Oh, 2012! And Oz and guests are debating whether or not you can change from gay to straight. What will his next show debate? Should we have freed the slaves? Was it a mistake to give women the right to vote? Are Negroes capable of complex thought? Why do Jews eat little babies?

I find it terribly offensive that in 2012 or any year for that matter a national television show run by a much loved celebrity doctor gives forum to such bigotry. That there are people out there who are haters is not news to me. That a television show that claims to exist to help and guide people with such a benevolent host dares to give voice to bigots amazes me and enrages me beyond belief!

Shame on Dr. Oz. Shame on the participants in this debate. And shame on anyone who thinks such a debate is fair. How would Dr. Oz like a pro and con panel on the hygiene habits of Turks?

Synonyms for aversion :  disgust, distaste, horror, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion

Gee thanks Dr. Oz! Back at you!


  1. I did not see this!! WOW...

    I DO boycott most network television Primarily due to the rampant commercials that promote misogyny, greed, & negative, often grossly misleading, irresponsible, & myth-perpetuating stereotypes of nearly every minority (the whole, "If you don't like it then don't turn on your telly" thing).

    Because I've Not seen it yet, I'm posing a hypothetical, based upon the few times I've watched Dr. Oz, & the fear I feel about my own ability to gauge someone's kindness levels...

    Is there ANY way WHATSOEVER he gave those idiots a forum specifically for the intention of exposing the insanity of their archaic viewpoints? Maybe acting interested to encourage them to trust him, but doing so so that they could repel the average Oz viewer, of whom I Suspected to be comprised of 75% Liberal-ish Females?

    Now: IF his show Was Truly in earnest, then I feel just sick. I raised the hypothetical because I'd always thought that Oz was one of the "good guys" & I'm just Startled...

    Ok, off to Google this episode, Dr.Oz himself, & WHY this terrible choice of subject matter?...

    Thanks for the blog AND the outrage! I'll no doubt be writing back with my official "findings", and likely enough, a new TV personality to boycott from my mental circle of people who are kind and loving.

    Sigh... :'(

  2. The thing is, no matter his intent, debates such as this have played out AND unfortunately will validate its debatable aspect. I don't think this is an issue up for discussion in 2012 and beyond. Its insulting to perpetuate a lie when science and culture has concluded otherwise. Its like inviting David Dukes on to debate with Reggie Jackson on the appropriateness of a black president. We have a black president - end of story - no debate - get over it. That's my feeling. Debates like these should be irrelevant. Its time.
