Saturday, December 1, 2012


Hamburg Theatre Under The Stars ( HTUTS ) is over 4 years old. As founder and Artistic Director of HTUTS it is my annual task to raise money that pays for our productions. For these past 4 years with help from Christine Vernon, Lora Grzechowiak and Glenn Kajioka and others, we have been successful. It, however, has been difficult and not fun BUT we do it for Hamburg and, of course, for us. Why? Because we are artists at heart and we also wish to be instrumental in adding to this town's quality of life. Now, there is a constant campaign in Hamburg to shop local - support local. This campaign has become annoying. Why? Because it is a one way street. These groups and businesses like VBAC and Hamburg Happenings attempt, it seems, to make anyone feel guilty and a traitor to Hamburg if they so much as think about shopping or eating someplace other than in Hamburg. Don't dare get the better deal at Target or Walmart or any of the malls. In theory, I agree with their efforts BUT they want us to buy their wares and services - support them - but do they return the favor?

In the 4 plus years HTUTS has existed much needed money and services has not been forth coming from the village businesses. I ran a major fundraising campaign last year contacting well over 150 businesses in this 'town that friendship built" and received only $125 from 5 of these canvased businesses. So where's the local support? Like I said - one way street!

Why should I expect support? Well, HTUTS' Labor Day productions draw thousands of people from all over - not just Hamburg to Memorial Park where we perform our plays. Last year we attracted a conservative estimate of 5,000 audience members. What does this mean for the Village of Hamburg? It means money being spent in shops and especially restaurants. And who makes this 4 day bonanza for Hamburg possible? HAMBURG THEATRE UNDER THE STARS. Wouldn't it be in the town's own interest to throw a little support our way?

You may wonder how, then, do we do our plays without the support of these businesses. We survive through individual support. Its the people - the wonderful people who come to our plays in the park. They freely and without much effort on our part shower us with financial support. The problem with that is we cannot count on or even factor in a concrete amount. Its built on guessing and hope. So what do we do? Well, Glenn and I have financed much of the productions and then hope to reimburse ourselves after the fund raising in the park. So far this,has worked out fairly well. Its just not the smartest and most dependable way to fund a production and all that goes into it - promotion being a major expense. Let me just add that this past year, Kim St. George and Christine Vernon helped considerably with raising funds. We did 3 garage sales. At the park, Kim along with Gene Jeseiwizc, Lora Grezchowiak, Courtney Torgalski, Selena Antionette and others were very instrumental in fundraising. Please excuse my possible misspelling of names. I am writing this with the urgency anger and passion produces.

Anyway, I'm done with asking the Hamburg businesses to support HTUTS. Their buy local campaign sounds reasonable. It is just that they only see it as a one way street. They want support but won't return the favor. And, anyway, who are they to tell people how and where to spend their money. No one has forced them to open up shop in Hamburg. Just as no one has forced us to invent HTUTS. Why do they do it? Probably for the same reason I do HTUTS. Yes, it is reasonable to expect local support just as it is reasonable for HTUTS to expect the same. The differnece is HTUTS is totally non-profit and exists to enrich all the lives of those who participate in the plays or those thousands who come into the Village of Hamburg to see the plays.

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