Sunday, January 27, 2013


I’m older than I ever thought I’d be.  I still hope but I know that’s just a mind game. There’s nothing much else for me. Its over. I’ll never be what I wanted to be. Never. I just didn’t learn how to achieve it. I wasted a lot of energy doing all the wrong things. But, I was sincere which did not help me one iota. Who cares about sincerity?  Who cares about feelings - other peoples feelings or what others want. Everyone’s caught up in their own head. No one is looking out. No one cares. Why should they? Who am I that anyone should drop everything to rush to - help - give a break. I didn’t know how. I still don’t. I’ll die not knowing.  

I wanted so little yet, it was too much. And now I have to face it. I just won’t ever get what I wanted. - what I really wanted. I’m too old. I’m too complicated.  

I use to be so cute. Not gorgeous. Just cute. Everyone wanted me. I was that available. No one was a bigger sucker than me for a compliment or attention. Wanting me was my world. Each and every day I looked forward to the string of come-ons and approaches that always came my way. I could bet on it. Today, right now, is no different. I still hope for this attention every single day. Is it just habit? Of course it is. Who would want me as I am. Sometimes I forget how old and unappealing I am. Then I catch my reflection in the mirror at the gym or a store window. There I am - an old man.  

When I was young - and I was young for a very long time - my reflection although not perfect , did not distress me. I was cute and quirky and very sexy. Everybody wanted me and I wanted everybody who wanted me. It was too irresistible. This, obviously was my downfall. I know that now. 
But I wanted to sing. I still do. However, as I have said, I’m old. My voice is not the shimmering instrument it once was. 
However in some instances these are significantly happy days for me. I mean, I got married two short years ago. Same sex marriage is now legal in New York State. So after 33 years loving Glenn deeply - deeply - we married because we could damn it! Glenn is the happy part of my life. This has been my one constant. Plus I have some terrific new friends and a satisfying creative curriculum. My sadness, my one unhappiness stems from - aside from not realizing my life’s goal - my one unhappiness , when I think about it and I try not to think about it - my unhappiness comes from estrangement. I have four sisters and one recently deceased younger brother. My parents are deceased as well. 
 I only speak to one sister.  
My brother didn’t much care for me. Almost three months before he died, he began calling me - frequently - almost daily. He knew he was dying due to a devastating diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. My mother also was killed by this terrible disease.  Georgie, my brother,  took to calling me buddy as in "I love you, buddy." He actually asked me to sing at his memorial - even picked the song. I wasn’t familiar with this Christian gospel tune.  Georgie directed me to youtube  to learn it. I never did. There wasn’t enough time. However, I did sing for him. Glenn and I drove down to Indianapolis for his service. It was quite something. He had so many friends and they were so generous with their memorials and reminiscing.
Who were they talking about? I didn’t know this Georgie. Why didn’t he ever give me this Georgie. We could have been such good friends. But I have to thank him anyway for the trip down. Glenn and I had a great time in Indiana. We did - despite the reason we had traveled there. It was my first time visiting Georgie’s home. No invitations had ever been extended. I, on the other hand, invited my brother many times to my home in New York City and here in Buffalo. He would accept but never show. Never.  Most times he would drive up from Indiana to visit.  Mary Jane, his wife, would not accompany him. He’d stay in a highway motel. He would visit my sisters. Patsy first then Gloria and finally Jeanie. Mimi wasn’t around to visit since she lives in Georgia but I was usually around and he just wouldn’t call me, drop by, ask me to meet him at Patsy’s or Gloria’s or Jeanie’s house which was a mere 5 minutes from my home.
He’s gone, now - dead -  and I shall never know why - why he didn’t want to see me. Its not like we had a falling out. We didn’t. No fight - no disagreement. He just carried on with his life - erasing me from it. And I shall never ever know why.  

Now, I know why Patsy won’t speak to me. However, Glenn and I are at a loss. We have no idea why Mimi won’t speak to us - has simply cut us out of her life.  As for Gloria - well we just reconnected in a very slight way.  So that leaves  sister Jeanie whom I do speak to - hurrah! Someone in my family actually likes me.  

But then there is the matter of the nieces , nephews and cousins. Oh, it is just too much  - too daunting to review. I think its an Italian thing - all these recriminations and feuds and silences. Vendettas! Except, when Ma and Dad were alive - feuds or no feuds - we were a family - cousins , aunts and uncles all talking, fighting, laughing crying talking - talking.  

I recently discovered a box of photos the other night - midnight to be exact AND, well, all I can say is - its a good thing I was in the country. In my home in NYC, my neighbors would have wondered where that heavy sobbing was coming from so late at night! It really did move me to see all those wonderful photos from days gone, sadly, by. Gee, how handsome my Uncles were. How handsome was my father. How pretty my Aunts, my cousins, my mother. I forgot how young everyone was. As Aunt Annie bemoans so do I the lost "art" of familial connection. I dare say, I could pass some of my relatives on the street without recognizing who they are. Back in the day, we all saw each other so frequently due to our parents' obvious need to stay connected. I played with my cousins. I got advice and sometimes scolded by my loving aunts and uncles. Hugged by Grandma Scarsella.
Chestnut Ridge, backyard gatherings, house parties, get togethers - so much connection. Its no one's fault why this all stopped. Its the world - it changed - we changed. Values changed.  Glimpsing at the past - remembering - the sharing - staying in touch - connected - all history - a history with no legacy. My parents would weep.   

And I weep inside for all this loss.  I took it for granted for all those New York years. You think it will all be there when you are ready to go back - that it all  is on hold waiting for you - and you just press resume and WALLAH!  That’s the conceit of the young. Mom and pop and everybody else is hankering for you. Your living your life out of their sight. Well, they are doing the same. Never thought of that, did you?  No ones waiting for you and if they are well, the you they were waiting for has been drastically altered. They may be intrigued for awhile but when you thought they were on hold. They thought you were on hold.
The past has passed. Who are they anymore - who are you?

Its like starting over again. There’s no picking up where you left off. The game has changed and it’s a game you have never played.  So what do you do?  



  1. Not sure what brought this on, but I love and respect you, Cuz. Wish we were closer (in distance) so we could visit and talk about so many things over a glass or two or three of good red wine. Keep in touch!

    1. What a kind and loving comment. Thank you very much cousin.

  2. Tony, this blog post is written by somebody I have certainly never met. Assuming you have done all you can to strengthen the familial bonds you desire, I suggest you embrace the here and now with all the love you can dish out (Funny though, I have seen you doing that time and time again!). You worked for one of the most prestigious houses on Broadway! That is not time wasted.

  3. The previous comment is from Guy De Federicis.

    1. Guy, thanks for your insight and kind words. This may read like a pity party as one of my friends remarked. I actually needed to put this out for cathartic reasons. No self pity just a bit of regret. No life is perfect. My life has been swell but don't we all have some regrets - things we could have shoud have done?

  4. Nothing can replace the family, I know that now. Johnny Camarerri, from Moonstruck

  5. Ok knock it off. I always thought of you as the most interesting person I know. So you're not what you wanted to be but I think you had a hell of a time trying to "find yourself". You are what my mother would say, "a character". I've always thought of you as a good & kind person and I'm sure I'm not alone in that opinion. If that's your legacy then I think you've reached success. By the by, I love the "younger" pic. Knock off the pity party.

  6. Christine Gordon ScarsellaJanuary 28, 2013 at 3:27 PM

    Family is a very important part of life. I'm lucky to stay connected to thing we do is....all of us that are retired and that is only 8 of us meet for breakfast once a month, always a nice time...

    1. Cousin Christine, thats a great idea. You are fortunate to have that.

  7. Yes, Vinny family however you configure it is necessary. Cathy, I am so glad you and I have remained friends all these many years. Thank you for your loving comment. But truly, my intent wasn't a pity party I love my life. But like most people, I have regrets and I certainly have much drama in my life for sure. No pity just venting and maybe a tiny bit of searching for a solution or two to the drama. - love, me

  8. As I read your post, I thought of how much your comments are similar to my own reflections. Life isn't usually what we plan it to be, and I know I've spent way too much time trying to make it what I thought it should be. I like reading your posts Tony. Thank you. You have been so successful and challenged tradition. I think that's always good.

  9. Thanks, Merridy for weighing in. I know my ruminatons are not that unusual. I've received some feedback privately and some here that felt I was depressed or unhappy with my lot. I am fine. I, like you and many others of a certain age examine our lives - not necessarily a harmful thing to do.

  10. Unc T - I love you! You are such an important part of my life. You make me laugh. I enjoy your company. I look forward to our visits. You still impress me with your knowledge and that incredible voice. When I look at you, I see a beautiful man whom I adore! Remember the past fondly, let go of the things you can not change, and more forward in your magnificent life with Glenn. Enjoy the people who love you and don't think about the ones that don't. Don't look in the mirror if it makes you unhappy. Instead look into the eyes of those who love you. Your reflection will glow with the beauty of your soul! Love, AM

  11. Anne Marie, thanks for the beauty of your remarks. I - Glenn also - love you very much. You and I have always been kindred spirits. I will take your advise and Guy's as well and embrace the here and now - enjoy those who I know love me or at least like me :) See you in April. Drop by my blog again. After reading your post, I welcome further interaction from you on this blog. - love, unc t

  12. Hi Tony it's Kim St. George, I just read this now during my lunch break. I can relate unfortunately. I have no idea why some families can be so close and others not. My family seems to have drifted so far apart for so many reasons that I cannot reel them back in anymore. I am the only family member that has holidays and each year it gets harder and harder to try to plan with conflicting schedules, etc. So this Easter I am not having it! AND... it's bothering me! Not even one family member mentioned Easter! I'm done begging people to be a part of my life. Obviously they do not miss me. The phone works in both directions!Just won't be the same this holiday and now holidays don't even mean anything. And with Gene working for the railroad most of the time you either don't know if he will be around or he ends up having to leave on a holiday. I could go on and on, but won't. Just sharing to let you know you are not alone and it will always be an unsolved mystery unfortunately! Take care Tony! Happy Easter to you and Glenn!

    1. Kim, you are such a kind and loving person. Your happiness will fall into place. I am learning since I wrote this post, that focusing on the people who want to be in your life is where its at. That is your REAL family. I have accepted the dynamic of my family and have come to realize - as they say today - it is what it is - not good not bad - just is. Some will come around some won't. I have been worlds better since I have adopted this attitude AND some have actually come around. Give my best to Gene and Garret. We really do have to get together.

  13. Thanks Tony. I agree with what you said and am glad to hear you are better!! Would love to get together... the hard part is trying to figure out when Gene will be around. Garrett would love to see you guys again. Take care. Love, Kim

    1. WE'll figure something out as the weather gets better.
