Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Omega Men

Today was the strangest day. I began my day as usual with a good full bodied cup of Newman's Dark Roast coffee. I settled down in the proverbial easy chair in the living room to drink the coffee while I did a morning surf on the TV. In reviewing the grid I noticed Antiques Road Show is premieirng tonight with new episodes FINALLY! So, I DVR'd that and The Big Loser as well. Never watched this show but felt a weird compulsion to DVR it as well. Coffee done. TV surfing done. I head to the kitchen to have vanilla honey Greek yogurt for breakfast. Glenn had the same. I then did the three S's and off to the gym we went. Did some resistance and cardio, chatted with a few gym rats and left. We stopped at the Library to return "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" BluRay DVD. Then to Federal Meats to buy coleslaw. Stopped at Dollar Tree to look for a cheap frame for the puzzle Glenn completed depicting the beautiful old house on Big Tree Road and South Park. I grew up seeing that house. Dollar Tree did not have an adequate frame for Glenn's labor. Home we went. And the end of the world began.............

Did you ever have a day where you felt like you were the only surviving person on the planet?

Not a sound in the neighborhood. Where was everybody? The whole day our phone was silent. I didn't receive one text. I didn't even see a car on our street drive by.No dogs barked. The air was still - no sounds of wind or birds or planes overhead. Time seemed to stop. Even our movements seemed to lack sound. Had the Apocalypse begun?

It just was so weird. I felt like we were in a vacuum - a bubble - a void. It wasn't unpleasant or even scary. It was strangely comforting. It was like a snow day. Yes, that is what it was like - a snow day. We did snow day things like watch a movie in the afternoon. We ate dinner before 4 O'clock - steaming hot and spicy black bean soup, fried baloney sandwiches with onions, sweet pickles, horse radish mustard on terrific rye bread - toasted with the coleslaw.  Still in our bubble, we cleaned dinner away and napped deliciously for 30 minutes. Shortly after, we snacked on Madagascar vanilla bean cake that Glenn had baked 2 days ago before the Apocalypse. It was as delicious as our nap.

It is now after midnight - technically a new day and the bubble is yet to burst.


  1. I'm going to pop that bubble by sending you MASS TEXTS!! - submitted by PJ Tighe

  2. I had an oddly comforting day too. Quiet, gorgeous sky in Altanta, w Cirrus clouds. Felt like the womb. - submitted by Kevin McWha Steele

  3. Kind of creepy. - submitted by Cathy Hechler

  4. OMG! My world is back! I Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
