Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The End Of Tolerance

I have made a decision. I will no longer tolerate intolerance - not from family, not from friends and certainly not from strangers. I HAVE Had IT! Anyone who cannot support our president after his inaugural speech is not a good American. It doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you sit. His speech focused on human rights, quality of life issues, future hopes and promises to fulfill. These things cannot and should not be debated. These issues are not Democrat or Republican matters, they are human and humane matters. WE MUST ALLOW PROGRESS. MY LIFE IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE!

PROGRESS: Gay Rights - marriage, education

PROGRESS: Gun Control - STOP YOUR FUCKING LOVE AFFAIR WITH GUNS, AMERICA - Do you know there are people who hate Obama purely on this issue. Why, I ask you, are guns so important? Personally, I feel all guns should be banned BANNED! STOP YOUR BELLY ACHING, HUNTERS. STOP HUNTING. This isn't the wild frontier where you need to shoot your dinner. I have no sympathy for you. You'd rather have the right to have all kinds of guns including assault weapons than giving gay people the right to marry, the right to BE. I hate you for your selfishness, your ignorance, your inhumanity. FUCK YOU AND YOUR GUNS!

PROGRESS: Climate Change - issues regarding global warming are real. STOP THE DENIAL. Get educated - know what you are being warned about.

PROGRESS: Black President - get over it you racists - WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT. WE HAVE A GREAT PRESIDENT. Barack Obama is very much the leader for NOW and the FUTURE. He gets it. He has vision.

INTOLERANCE: Anyone who bashes MY president and disagrees with his humane polices is not my friend. It is that simple. How can you call yourself my friend if you do not support my rights as a gay man to have my marriage recognized LEGALLY  in all 50 states instead of just 9? For those Romney supporters in the last election, I tolerated your choice. That was stupid of me. By tolerating your choice, it meant I was okay with you wanting a president that would oppose any rights for me and all other gay people. Why would you want that for me. Or are you just so selfishly in love with your guns that eveything else just doesn't matter? Or is your racism so deep - even though you deny it. I can't tell you how often I've heard those who so strongly oppose Obama say to me, "...and I say that, not because he's black". Right - unhuh. Gotcha.


I know that I am preaching to the choir for many of my readers. For those who disagree and still consider me their friend, sorry, but I just don't get it. Why would you think I would still want to be your friend when you support those who would gladly send me back into the closet.




It Is My Country, Too!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAuK97eo1F8


  1. Geez, I don't know how to respond to this except to say, I suppose you should de-relative me and unfriend me. Last time I looked, we lived in a democracy where one of cherished freedom is that of free expresion - and the most cherished of that is, free political speech. So, I will say My Country Tis of Thee to that, but there is no requirement in the Constitution or anywhere else that we must give fawning favor to any president.

    My issues with our current president have nothing whatsoever to do with his stances on so called "social" issues of gay rights, civil rights, abortion rights, or, to some degree, global warming. However, I disagree wholeheartedly with the solutions he has to economic problems including poverty. In the exercise of my free political speech rights, it is my opinion that more government intrusion into economic matters is not a good thing.

    As for guns, though I don't own one, don't want one, never even shot one (even when I served in the Navy for four years), there is this little problem called the 2nd Amendment which permits gun ownership. While reasonable limits may be imposed on our rights, a total ban is not going to work, nor is that what the president is requesting. In addition, why is it that the reactive actions taken by the president did not include a review of mental health procedures and adequacy in this country and the proliferation of violent video games and movies out of Hollywood?

    So, go ahead, call me intolerant and banish me to the netherlands of your consciousness. But by doing that, you accuse me of something you yourself have become - intolerant. Your unquestioning adoration of a man who happens to be president is not only unseemly, but is unpatriotic. We should always question the motivations and actions of our leaders, and take pause when the press does not do its job in reporting both the positive and negative about a leader.

    1. Vinny, please pardon me for saying what I am about to say. From my 'relationship" with you through facebook, this is the first time - in my opinion - that you have written something regardinbg your opposition to Obama that is reasonable and fair. Thank you. Your rantings and name calling and flippancy regarding a man that, for me, is on the right side of the issuse, has always offended me. And I do take exception to your calling me unpatriotic. That's what I most resent - name calling - as Obama said in his inaugeral speech "Name calling is not a debate" And as for adoring him - I adore only one person, my husband, Glenn. I am not in full agreement with our President. I however, will let a person be my leader with vision and loads of humanity. I loved Jimmy Carter for these reasons although he was a poor president. I wouldn't voice my discontent with mean remarks and insults to a good man who happened to be a bad president. There's always the next election. If your problem is economics you should make that clear and deal intelligently with it. I am sorry to say, dear cousin, that your frequent Obama bashing sounds like Fox News sound bites. I wouldn't 'unrelative" you. Healthy debates are fine. Name calling and bashing a man that is instrumental and furthuring and securing my rights to raise me out of second class citizenship is far more important to me than your pocketbook. Btw, my 403B couldn't be better. - Your Intolerant Cousin, tony

  2. I agree with you as I was brought up no mater who you were democarte or republican, you respected your president and backed him in his decisions praying they were the right ones. It is time our congress thinks of the people they represent and stop hating the president so much that they do everything they can to undermine him

    1. I agree, Aunt Annie - respect is always the right starting point - especially if you disagree. A fair debate can accomplish so much. This country has not seen a fair anything with this awful Congress in some years. Let us hope this will change.

  3. I love it Tony, I am so tired of the bashing of our President!

    1. Its about respect. Disagree if they must BUT respect this good man. He said it in his speech, "Name calling is not a debate."

    2. I was brought up that agree or disagree you still always hold respect for the president

    3. But he is one of the worst name callers there is. He needs to practice what he preaches. Look how he trashed Romney. When are you Obamamaniacs going to wake up to the fact that all Obama is is a role in the muck Chicago politician.

  4. Tony, every time I read some ridiculous new blocking of legislation by the greedy racist fossils in the Senate or House, I always like to go back and read your blog post about not tolerating intolerance. Its so spot on, and exactly what I and so many others don't have the courage to say. "FUCK YOU AND YOUR GUNS", as you put it, and everything else in there is purely what I want to shout from the top of my lungs every time I read or hear new ignorance and intolerance. You're an inspiration."

    1. Thank you very much, James. Unfortunately, our country is currently in a redneck mode BUT take heart - all things are cyclical. WE WILL OVERCOME! We always do. We-meaning - all good people - win the war if not all the battles. I could present you a list of all the good that has happened in my lifetime. So, don't get discouraged. This war has yet to be won. And we know in our heart of hearts who will be the victor.

